Thursday, 27 June 2013

The Death of My favorite Game on Chrome, I need a replacement!

So I may be behind the ball here..... But I only just found out that games on Google+ are about to die, and because of this my favourite game on my Chromebook "Band Stars" goes to the grave with it. I was planning to release a review of this game this weekend but now.... there really isn’t a point. I hope you guys got a chance to play it, it was kind of like a mixture of the Sims and guitar hero, it was addictive and it will leave a gaping hole that I need to fill. So I’m begging you all, what’s your favourite games on chrome! I need a replacement and I need it now!


  1. "Dark Orbit" is a bit addicting, however nothing like the game you described, it plays well on the Chrome OS and can be found in the Google store.

    1. Thanks JohnJacob, I Didn't want something the same or similar.... just something good :)

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